Hi, I am

Victoria Ninichuk

Front-end developer from Lviv, Ukraine 💙💛

Take a look at what I've been working on!


Dictionary App

Dictionary app is a final project of a successfuly taken course SheCodes React, one of the most in-demand coding frameworks today, where I have learned about NPM and Node.js.


Weather App

Weather app is a final project of a successfuly taken course SheCodes Plus, where I have learned advanced HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript, along with Git and GitHub. I've also deepened my knowledge of VS Code and learned to use other advanced development tools.

smartphone photography

Basics - landing page

Smartphone photography landing page is a final project of a successfuly taken course SheCodes Basics. I have gained a solid understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You will also become familiar with Visual Studio Code, the developer console, and other popular coding technologies.